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  • Writer's pictureLisa J Sawyer

"Buckle Up: My Blog Just Grew a Whole New Level"!

I am grateful this morning for all the love and wishes sent my way last night and this morning, concerning my new Comfort Therapy blog.

I am even more grateful for a family that supports the new journey I have been working on for the last several months. I am Google search official as of today.

This blog has stirred up my inner passion I loved as a therapist. I always wanted to make sure my patients, each one individually, had their massage tailored to cater specifically to their unique needs, preferences, and perfection to the best of my skills ensuring that they would experience the utmost relaxation and therapeutic benefits. Every individual is unique, and each has their own distinct pain experiences that require a personalized approach to understanding and addressing their specific needs.

No one knew that as each patient came in, I always caught myself looking at the shoulders of the individual before the work even began.

My joy came after each massage when I was able to see my patient(s) open the door.

My first look was at their shoulders. Seeing an individual's shoulders drop from when they first came in? That was a technique I begged a teacher in massage school to teach me. His name was Brian Gerber. Brian was the best therapist I have ever known. He was my second teacher who taught different techniques. While the rest of the class was scared to death of him, (because we had to test out on HIM) I wanted his brain, his knowledge, and his passion transplanted into me. I wanted to absorb every technique he knew. I have had the very best patients that any therapist could have. They were my teachers and it is them,

I owe my years of passion to.

My desire for this blog is to help you understand your body and muscle pains. It is all intricate and your body has a way of speaking to you by letting you know it needs time off or it needs some healing.

I have products I want to share with you that I know are helpful. I will have them posted with the blogs for an extremely easy process for you to view them and you can click the link to purchase them for yourself. I will go slow with some of the products to help you understand what they are for and how they can help you. I have more exciting products coming that I am very excited to share with you. When you purchase from any of the links, you will be purchasing straight from the company, not from me. I don't want to overwhelm anyone just yet, so I will take it at a slow pace. Tomorrow, I hope to have a few links up to start the new journey of the "OFFICIAL COMFORT THERAPY LISA J. SAWYER" blog page with products.

My blog will go slow around and about different pains. Your back, neck, shoulders, hips, knees, legs, etc. Let's work together and help you get healthier! Let me know what you would like to learn about or if there is a product you have heard that works well and I will research it for all of us.


Lisa J Sawyer

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